Posts Tagged ‘ Service ’

The Top 3 Gifts That Will Guarantee a Merry Christmas (No Money Required)

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year.  However it usually ends up being the most stressful time of the year as well.  We want to give gifts to everyone we know.  Those gifts should be thoughtful and of course cost money which involves SHOPPING!  Spending money with a deadline, especially when everyone has the same deadline and most especially if money isn’t exactly falling out of your pockets at the moment, can be one of the most stressful- happiness starving activities known to mankind- my opinion :). Continue reading

Sacrifice = Happiness?

Last Saturday night after we had put our sons to bed, and my wife had left to visit my aunt, I heard my son coughing a strange guttural cough. The second time I heard it I thought, “I had better check on that.” I walked into the room and was shocked to see that he had thrown up all over himself, his bed, and the books we had purchased for him that day. The smell was horrific and it was just a plain mess. I quickly yanked him off the bed and took him to the bathroom to make sure he was done, and in doing so got some of the “mess” on me. That’s right… ew! Continue reading